Open Graph image options

Millstream CMS Uses will preference the page, then the folder and then the default site image to determine which image will be used when a URL is shared on platforms that support the Open Graph protocol such as Facebook, Twitter and the like.

Website Default Sharing Image

The Site Image is the default preview image shown when sharing a link to your site. Supported file formats such as jpg, png and gif should currently be set-up as 1200px x 630px.

Under the Assets tab, choose Preferences and then upload the image you wish to use under the Attachments view. Use the Save button to commit updates to the web server.

Remaining in the Assets tab, switch to the Info setting to view the the general website settings as pictured below and choose the image you want as the default representation of your site. 

The default image above will be displayed in all instance unless a specific share image has been selected as the thumbnail at folder or page level settings.

The settings above result in the following share card image.

Stacked Folders

In the case of a stacked folder, sharing at the folder level ie. www.domain/view/folder will use the thumbnail image that is attached to the folder settings.

Panel within a stacked folder

Where an individual panel has a thumbnail specified it will be displayed in preference to the thumbnail set on the parent stacked folder if the path shared leads to the specific panel. e.g. www.domain/view/folder/panel

Standard Folders (e.g Manila folder style)

Non-stacked folders - these are standard folders, much like the old Manila folders used in a filing cabinet. The internal pages are separate. In this situation the folder and first page for that section of the site.

A.) Folder path name domain/view/folder

B.) Page path name domain/view/folder/page

In this situation the first page inside a standard folder acts like a landing page. This page loads up when the URL (web address) goes to the parent folder. A thumbnail image set at this level will be picked up in preference to the folder level image if the path to the page itself is shared.

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