Disable the global header or footer

At times you might wish to hide / remove the global header or footer on your web site to create a section or campaign with an entirely different look.

Select Desired Folder

This is easy to achieve by changing the folder settings.

Select the parent folder of the material that needs to be displayed without either the standard header or footer; then choose edit from the pop-out menu of options:

Update Folder Settings

Once it opens for editing confirm that you are looking at the folder settings / info panel that contains the basic information about that folder such as its title, online or offline status and so on:

Check the box 

Select whichever option you need to disable either the global header or the global footer for the web site.


Remember to use the "save" button to commit your changes to the server.

Please note: You may need to clear your browser cache to see the change take effect on the materials within that folder.

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